Praise and Gratitude Report: Dear friends, there are some testimonies, that goes deep down to the core of my being and makes me feel healed and alive, to continue my purpose in life.
I woke up this morning to a message from a young lady Elizabeth, who got pregnant sometime in 2019, and the author of the pregnancy denied it. A friend of hers reached out to me, and pleaded her case, because not only had Elizabeth not bought a pin for the baby who was already due, the baby was bridged in her womb and she needed emergency surgery.
However, due to stress during the pregnancy, Elizabeth's pressure was on the rise and the option of operation became dangerous.
When I put her case here on this forum, your generosity got her enough money for her surgery and the bay's things and their upkeep.
God whose name remains GOD, sent Elizabeth to labour and she miraculously delivered a baby girl to the astonishment of the Medical personnel, and God asked me to name the baby Divine-Grace.
I stood by her during that period, gave her all the necessary, moral, emotional, physical and financial support she and the baby needed.
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Testimony - Elizabeth Overcomes Challenges to Give Birth To A Beautiful Baby Girl! |
Two years after, Elizabeth writes in gratitude, and dear friends, I cannot take the credit alone, because we did that task together for the Glory of God who loves us unconditionally.
Elizabeth is THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to us all.
Read Her Message To Me:
Good morning Mummy Henriette. I am so happy, I finally got your contact back. Its been two years now and I can't forget the amazing woman through whom my life was blessed. I can't forget the woman who helped me become what I am today.I don't know if the name Divine-Grace reminds you of someone. She is the little baby you held in your arms on January 18th 2019 and named her Divine-Grace.
She is a big girl now, and it is surprising how the child my family once thought was a curse has now become everybody's best.
I want to thank you because I'll never be what I am today if not for your constant encouragement and love. You played the role of a mother where my biological mom failed...I hold you in high esteem and I pray God hears my secret prayers and make me be able to help others just the way you came to my aid when everyone else had let me down.
Mummy, it is not been easy but I thank God ... Mum, I don't even know where to start appreciating you...if I was with you I'll lift you up so everyone will get to see the woman who created so much impact in my life.
I tried looking for jobs but like we know in this country nothing is easy...then my mom took Divine and a friend introduced me to farming. Mummy, I am proud to say I am a farmer and I am doing very well for myself.
If not for this football lockdown, I would have been doing my second planting of tomatoes.
Mummy, it is amazing how being an independent woman feels. Even men don't talk to me anyhow.
I owe all this to you.
I owe all this to you.
I lost your contact and only got it from your page this morning and I couldn't wait to write to you.
God bless you Mummy and I know He will see you through with what you are going through right now ... He is still on the throne and still working wonders. May abundant blessings be showered on you every day of your life mum.
Dear good people, we give ALL the Glory back to God, who uses us to do His Biddings. Special thanks to everyone who partnered with us during this mission. May God meet you all at your various points of needs in Jesus Name Amen. Read Elizabeth's 2019 Story Below:
Elizabeth's baby girl is born Praise God
Dear friends,
I want to sincerely thank you all for your moral and financial support to Elizabeth.
She was scheduled for an operation because the baby was bridged, but her blood pressure was at a frightful raise. While Doctors were monitoring and trying to bring down the pressure, God miraculously intervened, and the contractions heightened.
The baby went back to normal, and Elizabeth delivered normally without operation to the Glory of God.
The baby drank water but has been vomiting it out since last night. She also weighed 3.1kg and sucks like a bee.
The baby drank water but has been vomiting it out since last night. She also weighed 3.1kg and sucks like a bee.
By the time I left Buea today, mother and daughter were ok. All their drugs have been bought, baby's basic necessities have all been taken care of, thanks to your generosity.
Elizabeth and I have named the baby 'Divine Grace'.
On behalf of Elizabeth, I want to thank you all for your unconditional support.
God bless and reward you richly, as you continue to support baby 'Divine Grace' and her mum.
God remains God, He is not man. All Glory goes to Him forever and ever. Amen and Amen.
Memorialising Henriette Nshan Tem and her platform Henriette Thatcher's Lounge:
While it can be important to incorporate time for mourning, it is healthy to focus on Henriette Nshan Tem's legacy. That is why we will also take the time to share testimonials on the impact that Henriette Nshan Tem and her platform Henriette Thatcher's Lounge had on people's lives.
We will carry the memory of Henriette Nshan Tem and her platform Henriette Thatcher's Lounge beyond the funeral.
We understand that it is completely normal to be sad when you lose someone that you love. And it is important to give yourself the time and outlets that allow you to grieve.
But we also need to think back to the time and the impact that she had on people's lives over the years. Feel free to send your testimonies so that we can incorporate them into memorializing someone after they are gone.
Memorialising Henriette Nshan Tem and her platform Henriette Thatcher's Lounge: Instead of focusing on life as it will be without Henriette Nshan Tem, we want to memorialize her and also maintain her memory in a place of gratitude for their presence in your life, rather than sadness that they are no longer here in the physical form.
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