We are so happy on behalf of Digital Missions in conjunction with Tiyambuke 2019 to inform you that all our messages are now readily available in audio, video and transcription formats.
You Can Find These Messages Via:
1. Audio Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/apostlepsibiya/2. Text Transcriptions: https://conferences.glorymin.net/
3. Videos: https://www.youtube.com/glorytelevision/
Please Note: We will be in the process of uploading the various Tiyambuke 2019 messages to our Facebook page. So please feel free to go to www.fb.com/tiyambukeicc and like the page so that you can get notifications on all our new upload!
We also have available the Mp4 Videos and Mp3 Audio messages so please feel free to contact our Digital Missions specialist on +263 77 889 8179 (Nigel Chirimamhunga)
Let us know if you need any help from us!
Digital Missions
Welcome To Oudney Patsika's Blog: Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World: In today’s media-driven, distracted culture, your message must be amplified to reach a larger audience.
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