Thank you Mai Chisamba. I have a big problem and you are my last hope. I am so confused I don’t know what to do. I am madly in love with my sister’s ex-boyfriend and if all goes according to our plans, he wants to go and pay lobola this year in December, anytime before Christmas.
The problem is everyone including my father is saying no to our relationship. They are all saying that it won’t be fair to my sister. Nyaya iripo ndeyekuti vakarambana vega ndisiri mukati mazvo, takazodanana after the break-up. Of course, this guy used to come home for my sister and before their break-up vanga vasvitsana kwana tete, but my sister falsely accused him of cheating on her. Mai Chisamba, he is a good guy, very understanding, loving and caring and would never cheat. It’s not like I snatched him from my sister, please understand vemhuri vari kungopaparika vachiti hazviite without giving me a chance to explain.
I no longer see eye-to-eye with my sister, my question is chii chiri kumunetsa pamunhu waanga asiyana naye? Ukarasa chinhu kubin munhu akanonga hake akachigadziridza iye akamborasa anotevera here kunobvunza? I want you to look at this issue without favour but I am not ashamed to say I am in love, this is my man, my life, my future, my husband-to-be, my everything. I hope you will pick my letter because I’m desperate for an answer. Anondipedza simba kana yasvika nguva yebonde, ndinoona nyeredzi chaidzo zuva rakacheka nyika” Tirikudanana zvinopisa, I feel it’s true love.
ResponseThank you for following our column, yes I picked your letter because my sixth sense tells me that we need to iron this out immediately. Let’s go through your letter phase by phase.
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I Am Madly In Love With My Sister’s Ex-Boyfriend! |
My question is sei iwe uri kuda kutanga nekuita shut out the whole family, you need their blessing. How do you know for sure that your sister falsely accused this guy when you were not part and parcel of their relationship? Example yako yechinhu charaswa kubin haikwane apa, chinhu chikaraswa hachitaure zvakare hachikonzerese, that’s the difference, munhu munhu.
In my opinion this guy has no respect for your family at all. Zvinoreva here kuti anoda kunosumiswa rwepiri kuna tete vamwe chetevo, this time around with the younger sister, chirudziiko ichocho?
Remember even if you marry this guy you describe as the love of your life you will still need your sister and family. Ko unoperekedzwa nani? Ungadewo here kuti mukoma wako ave kunze kwehupenyu hwako nehurongwa hwewanano yako? For interest’s sake, what kind of relationship will be between this guy and your sister?
Shamwari, dzikisa pfungwa, usaputirwe nerudo.
Shamwari, dzikisa pfungwa, usaputirwe nerudo.
In all fairness I think you should listen to your family and maybe to me. I boldly say leave this guy alone unozozvidemba, dai ndakaziva haitungamire. This will hurt you for a while but you will surely get over it, there is plenty of love in the air. Chokwadi hachiputse hukama. I will wait to hear from you.
Source: Sunday Mail
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