Mai Chisamba, makadini henyu? Vakuru vanoti ‘kura uone’, when I was young I thought it was one of those old people’s sayings.
Nhasi muchafarira tsamba yangu nekuti izere tsumo but the idea is to try and express myself fully. Rinonyenga rinohwarara rinosimudza musoro rawana, this is what happened to me and it’s just unfortunate.
If I were in the USA, I could have taken my husband for DNA tests just to prove if he is the same man I dated eight years ago. After our gorgeous white wedding we were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. To me that was wow and perfect. Kubasa nemunharaunda vanotonzi baba watwo, remadunhurirwa. Mai Chisamba ndakaroorwa nerombe and I will live to regret, ndiri kufunga kuti ndomusiya ndoenda hangu kuhufundisi because handichada futi chinonzi murume. Mai Chisamba you are the last person I am going to talk to. I hope munondiudza chokwadi sechandinoverenga muchiudza vamwe.
Please don’t tell me about vana tete, counsellors, etc, kwese ndakabvako, ndaneta, rombe iri harigadzirike. The way he now drinks ndakuzvitya, he has no time for me and the kids. Ane zvikwereti in most of these beer outlets, ndiye mudyiwa kana muzhanje weshamwari dzake. Ndinotendereka ndega mundufu nemichato yefriends and family.
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Ndakaroorwa Nerombe, Murume Anditambudza Ndibatsireiwo |
Our family business has been dealt a hard blow because he is the boss there. Kurara out in the name of ‘I was with my friends’, ndiko kuroorwa here uku chokwadi? Please help I am so confused, is it me or him?
RESPONSE: I am fine, thank you so much. Haa this is a letter and half, before I say anything let me say I am overwhelmed. I feel so sorry for you and the beautiful innocent children. Thank you for considering to write in and for making me the last person you want to talk to, I am truly humbled. You say wakuda kuenda kuhufundisi because you don’t want to remarry, aiwa that’s wrong. You have to be called by God kuti uendeko, it’s a vocation not a job nor a hide-out.
RESPONSE: I am fine, thank you so much. Haa this is a letter and half, before I say anything let me say I am overwhelmed. I feel so sorry for you and the beautiful innocent children. Thank you for considering to write in and for making me the last person you want to talk to, I am truly humbled. You say wakuda kuenda kuhufundisi because you don’t want to remarry, aiwa that’s wrong. You have to be called by God kuti uendeko, it’s a vocation not a job nor a hide-out.
The adage you used ‘Rinonyenga rinohwarara’ shows me kuti to begin with things were not as bad as they are now. Kudhakwa, hurombe, kushaya basa nemhuri zvakazotanga kwaitikei? What triggered this? To me munhu anodaidzwa kubasa kuti baba two is a proud father because some would not want to acknowledge this. Hapana here chakaitika muhupenyu hwako kana hwake? Ongororo inoratidza kuti weak men or women vanohwanda nedoro.
Have you ever made an effort to see or just know his current friends? Shamwari nema associates emunhu zvinogona kubatsira kuti tizive hunhu hwake, even the places he goes to zvinobatsira.
Source: Sunday Mail
Source: Sunday Mail
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