God is calling us to be His change agents. A primary duty of a change agent is to bring change to a problem entrenched in the societies.
For instance, Joseph solved a problem for his employer Pharaoh by providing a solution to a famine in the land, and in the process, he became a prominent leader.
Moses solved a problem for God and the Israelites by freeing his people from slavery.
Paul solved a problem by bringing the gospel to the Gentiles.
What problems are you born to solve? Tiyambuke 2019 is a prophetic cry for God to raise apostolic change agents in the seven arenas that influence culture on earth.
Apostle Pride Sibiya, the visionary and founder of Tiyambuke has been tasked by God to raise kingdom change agents who will be strategically placed on top of mountains of influence.

The strategy is simple: As change agents, God is calling us to change culture. This starts with small acts of influence growing on a daily basis. Begin influencing yourself, then your circle of family and friends, then on an organizational and community level. You will soon find yourself to be a profound influencer.
As we make the cry to God to give us influence - It is important for us to be intentional about our level of influence.
Sociologist Randall Collins explains, “Civilizations have been defined by a very small percentage of cultural philosophers.” He makes a very interesting conclusion: “Even if we add the minor figures in all the networks, in all of the civilizations, the total is only 2,700. In sum, between 150 and 3,000 people (a tiny fraction of the roughly 23 billion people living between 600 B.C. and A.D. 1900) framed the major contours of all world civilizations.”
So, what does it take to be effective an effective change agent?
It starts by recognizing our role in the seven mountains of culture!
Every one of us falls into one or more of these mountains of culture. Do we realize that it is actually those who are at the top of the mountain shaping the culture of society wielding disproportionate influence?
We call them mind moulders.
Think about how Bill Gates or Warren Buffet is changing the landscape of the business mountain. Or, Steven Spielberg in the arts and entertainment mountain, leading the trend of movie production and filming.
We must realize we are not at war with human beings or the flesh but rather forces of evil and principalities. Lance Wallnau says, “As Satan gains power over these mountains, he increases his capacity for ‘Mind Control.’ That is the spiritual force that inclines whole people groups to think along the same pathway.
It is the phenomenon that explains sudden trends in fashion or music.
It works to turn whole continents against each other and will be used to facilitate global wars. Mind Control will increase as the Last Days speeds toward a conclusion.
We need more Christian leaders in these seven mountains of culture who are pioneering game-changers.
That is why I am so passionate about enabling Christian influencers to fill the gap with the lack of Christian leaders at the top. Imagine the sheer kingdom impact this will bring in our society?
Granted, everyone cannot be at the top of the mountain.
God has given us with a different set of talents, resources, and opportunities in life. As faithful stewards, our responsibility is to maximize what we have to discover our purpose and sow the seeds that benefit others.
Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) 2019 – a Glory Ministries (www.glorymin.net) conference draws its origins from the bible. The world-renowned gathering will commence on the 26th to the 31st of August 2019.
Bishop, Apostle Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) - Tiyambuke 2019 founder and visionary, will lead this year's conference at the Glory Ministries, Bethel Worship Centre in Chitungwiza, Greater Harare.
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