Sex Isn’t Important In A Relationship, But Love Always Is:
Rudo chinhu ndinonetsa kupa munhu wese wese sePIN NUMBER yeCASH CARD.
Munhu unogona kumupa mari asi usingape PIN NUMBER.
Saka zvirinyore kurara nemunhu pasina RUDO, Having sex with someone is easy but being in love with someone is hard.
Chokwadi ichi chinogona kuzivikanwa neVASIKANA ndivo vazhinji vakaona zvichiitwa pavari kurarwa navo munhu orambwa after SEX.
Well, having sex with someone is still something serious to the one who is not a lover. Most True Lover respects Love than Sex.
And Fact Lovers trust Sex as Love to them, Casual sex and hook ups are evident nowadays nekuti vazhinji Vakadzi neVasikana vari kugara vega vari kungoitawo zveSEX not LOVE.
Unoona munhu achiita 4 partners pagore kuratidza munhu asina MOYO weRUDO asi ane RUDO neBONDE zvekuti akarambwa aharwadzwe nekuti kune vamwe vanooya zvekare kuzoita BONDE paari.
Wanting to have sex with someone you like is definitely a call of nature but that doesn’t mean that you love them. Someone could love a person wholeheartedly even if they won’t have sex with that person yet.
It sucks that some people just engage in relationships because they just want someone who would be constantly there for them whenever they need someone; most especially when they feel horny. THAT SHOULDN’T BE HOW RELATIONSHIPS WORK. You should be in a relationship because you are madly in love with the person who is your other half, not a SexToy or Money Machine.
1. You could have sex with someone without investing any emotions in them.
2. You could have sex with someone just because you feel horny.
Vamwe vanoita Bonde nekungodawo kubatsirwa paMARI asi unonzwa achiti tinodanana but ane vanhu 2 vaanorara navo kutaura ari kuCHEATER hapana kudanana.
Wouldn’t it be nice to meet someone in an unexpected situation in the most unexpected time and you’d be like, “Hey, I think that that person is my soulmate.” You didn’t force the scenario. You didn’t force anything. That person is not the love of your life because you did not plan on meeting them. It’s not by choice. I guess it’s true that meeting someone who completely understands you is rare. It’s definitely hard to find once you try to find it.
You shouldn’t find the right person for you because he or she will enter your life in the right time; in the time when they would definitely leave a mark in your heart and open it whenever you are scared to love again because maybe you came from a bad relationship or you were hurt.
Vamwe vanhu vakufunga kuti ukavirirana naye chete mototanga kuita Bonde zvanzi tinodanana apo kunyepa ungori munhu ajairirawo kuita Hupombwe neSHAMWARI yese yaunoti wada. Kuita wada watora MASAWU ari muRUSERO anopera achidyiwa neSHIRI neHUKU.
Sex could make you do certain acts which could ruin you but being in love is more addictive.
Zvakaoma kuitwa seHUKU yeCHIBHOYI iri PARUZEVHA
Munhu unogona kumupa mari asi usingape PIN NUMBER.
Saka zvirinyore kurara nemunhu pasina RUDO, Having sex with someone is easy but being in love with someone is hard.
Chokwadi ichi chinogona kuzivikanwa neVASIKANA ndivo vazhinji vakaona zvichiitwa pavari kurarwa navo munhu orambwa after SEX.
Well, having sex with someone is still something serious to the one who is not a lover. Most True Lover respects Love than Sex.
And Fact Lovers trust Sex as Love to them, Casual sex and hook ups are evident nowadays nekuti vazhinji Vakadzi neVasikana vari kugara vega vari kungoitawo zveSEX not LOVE.
Unoona munhu achiita 4 partners pagore kuratidza munhu asina MOYO weRUDO asi ane RUDO neBONDE zvekuti akarambwa aharwadzwe nekuti kune vamwe vanooya zvekare kuzoita BONDE paari.
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Kudiwa MuRudo Kunokosha Kudarika Kudirwa Bonde (Part 1) |
It sucks that some people just engage in relationships because they just want someone who would be constantly there for them whenever they need someone; most especially when they feel horny. THAT SHOULDN’T BE HOW RELATIONSHIPS WORK. You should be in a relationship because you are madly in love with the person who is your other half, not a SexToy or Money Machine.
1. You could have sex with someone without investing any emotions in them.
2. You could have sex with someone just because you feel horny.
Vamwe vanoita Bonde nekungodawo kubatsirwa paMARI asi unonzwa achiti tinodanana but ane vanhu 2 vaanorara navo kutaura ari kuCHEATER hapana kudanana.
Wouldn’t it be nice to meet someone in an unexpected situation in the most unexpected time and you’d be like, “Hey, I think that that person is my soulmate.” You didn’t force the scenario. You didn’t force anything. That person is not the love of your life because you did not plan on meeting them. It’s not by choice. I guess it’s true that meeting someone who completely understands you is rare. It’s definitely hard to find once you try to find it.
You shouldn’t find the right person for you because he or she will enter your life in the right time; in the time when they would definitely leave a mark in your heart and open it whenever you are scared to love again because maybe you came from a bad relationship or you were hurt.
Vamwe vanhu vakufunga kuti ukavirirana naye chete mototanga kuita Bonde zvanzi tinodanana apo kunyepa ungori munhu ajairirawo kuita Hupombwe neSHAMWARI yese yaunoti wada. Kuita wada watora MASAWU ari muRUSERO anopera achidyiwa neSHIRI neHUKU.
Sex could make you do certain acts which could ruin you but being in love is more addictive.
Zvakaoma kuitwa seHUKU yeCHIBHOYI iri PARUZEVHA
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