Ladies: No Woman (or Small House) Can Snatch Your Man If You Have These 6 Attributes!

Yes guys they say are naturally promiscuous and an angel as a wife may still not make a man s#xually faithful to you. But I am not talking about s#xual faithfulness but the actual act of dumping you for another lady which is a terrible slap on the ladies in such situations.

But I am happy to let every lady reading this to know that it will be extremely impossible for any lady (small-house) to snatch your man from you if you have these 6 wonderful attributes:

1. A good cook: I can not stress this enough. If you know how to cook your man’s favorite food and i mean you really take time out to ask him what his favorite is and you go out of your way to learn the act of preparing such food in the best way he likes for him whenever he wants it then you have secured him 50%.

2. Be his personal private Love-peddler: Don’t be deceived,every man wants his wife to be a s#x-maniac for him in the bedroom and the more timid you are the greater the chance of losing him so give him real good in the bedroom and zip him down when he least expects it and blow that trumpet so good and make his head spin and trust me, he will run home to you everyday.
Ladies: No Woman (or Small House) Can Snatch Your Man If You Have These 6 Attributes!
3. Financial independence: Please if you are a “full housewife” reading this I guess its time to free yourself from perpetual insult. get something doing no matter what and even if you are not allowed to do an office thing just try and get something doing because nothing trips a man than a financially independent lady even if you don’t spend a dime on the home front,the fact that you have something doing that brings home money is good enough. And for those who play to their hubby’s gallery of sit at home order, be ready to be mocked by same man when there is a tilt in his emotional balance.
4. Humility: Its so s#xy to have a sweet humble lady who is non abusive to her hubby and his family,a humble woman will be full of respect and adoration for her hubby and even people around her and its very difficult for any-man to do away with a humble non abusive woman.

5. S#xual decency: I am not talking about your past but a woman who is s#xually decent with her hubby and does not give room for the hubby to point an accusing finger at her is a delight to every man. A man gets turned on even more with the mindset that he is the only one having access to that honey comb but a s#xually indecent woman is a curse to herself and the hubby.

6. Fear of GOD: A woman who fears GOD is a delight to her entire household and she will be a strong pillar for her husband and family. Her ways will be pleasing to GOD and apparently pleasing to her man.

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