Bishop TD Jakes Offers Condolences to Family of His Friend Eddie Long

We are deeply saddened by the passing of a mighty man of valor, embattled warrior, learned and beloved pastor and man I call friend, Bishop Eddie L. Long.

We will miss his enigmatic catchphrase uttered just above a whisper, “watch this…;” his love for the Gospel shared liberally and a ministry that impacted lives around the globe.
Bishop T.D. Jakes Offers Condolences to Family of His Friend Eddie Long
To the New Birth family, no words can ease the pain of your loss. I pray for the balm of Gilead to heal your broken hearts.
To his beloved widow, Vanessa and his children who feel the brunt of the loss most deeply and profoundly, we pray for you especially. You have not a high priest who cannot empathize with your present circumstance.

We stand in the gap for you in your time of suffering, waiting patiently for the glory that is to be revealed to us.

And pray that the God of all comfort would fill you to overflowing with a peace that passes all understanding. #BishopEddieLong

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