Your Husband vs Your Pastor.

There are things that make your husband hate your pastor hence your church.

Wonderful daughters never fall into this trap. While your pastor is very important do not forget that your husband is the priest of your family and thus he is your first pastor. According to Peter your husbands turn to God by your changed life not your preaching. Read 1 Peter 3:1-6.

Here are some things that make husbands hate your pastor. Avoid these:
1. You call your pastor Papa, baba, tata or even daddy and your hubby like nothing.
2. You always talk about how your pastor is a blessing and leave out mama mruti and your husband out of the story.
3. When you talk about your pastor, he is the real man, when you talk about your hubby, he is scrap.
4. you openly tell your hubby he has a lot to learn from your pastor. This may be true but should never be said this way coz men are egoistic.
Your Husband vs Your Pastor.
5. You kneel when washing your pastor's hands and tell your hubby to go wash his hands.
6. You warm up water for hand-washing only when pastor comes.
7. Special cutlery is only reserved for pastor.
8. You only brag about your pastor's smartness and never praise your husband's
9. You always say how lucky 'mother pastor' is to have been married to the pastor in the presence of your husband.
10. You are a sharp critic of 'mother pastor'. For you, pastor, not her is the one called of God.
11. You travel with your pastor without prior arrangement with your husband.
12. Every argument in the house is settled with, "pastor said..." or "pastor never does it that way..." or "I will report to pastor..." Men usually respond by telling you and your pastor off or telling you to go and be "happily married" to your pastor. The man then hates the pastor.

Please before you respect me, as your pastor, make sure you respect and honour your hubby. Do not make your husband think I am competing with him. NO! The Bible says, women ought to honour THEIR OWN hubbies not other people's (Ephesians 5:22-24)... Frankly, I am Anna's husband not yours, first honour your hubby, then out of the overflow, respect me.

Respect me not as a hubby but as a servant of God!!! Do you understand what I am saying??? Here are some more mistakes that make men hate your pastor:
13. You ask your husband about the weaknesses in your church
14. When you are disciplined you do not admit your wrong, instead you tell your hubby that maybe pastor hates you because you are not rich.
15. There are things that you have come to understand and receive in Church e.g tithes, blessing the pastor etc. Do not ask questions from or show suspicion to your hubby about these.
16. You do not properly account for your time in Church.
17. When there is a report of sin, you blow the issue out of proportion to your hubby.
18. You buy groceries for your pastors more than your hubby's parents.
19. You rebuke your hubby in front of your pastor.
20. You show your pastor that your husband is spiritually less mature, a baby in God, a satanist or call him heathen names.

Please daughters run away from these things.
Love your hubby, love your pastor, love your church.
Your husband must be confident that I am a spiritual father to all of you not just another playboy competing with him for you.
This is done by your words and actions.
I am praying for you.
We love you!

By: Apostle Pride Sibiya.

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