A lot of miracles have taken place here at PHD Ministries – the arena of liberty. People with diseases including cancer, HIV/AIDS, blindness, stroke, and barrenness among others have been healed here through the anointed man of God Prophet W. Magaya in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
It is not only miracles which have taken place here at PHD Ministries but a lot has been done by the anointed servant of God Prophet W. Magaya through his generous heart including financial aid and humanitarian aid to thousands of underprivileged people on a monthly basis. Several destitute people have had houses bought or built for them while others are receiving monthly rental assistance. However, none of these have been positively reported by the print and electronic media.
Being the doubting Thomases they would rather express their doubts on God’s unmatchable healing power through their newspapers and electronic media including other forms of mass media. The Holy bible in Psalms.103:3 says, we are healed of ALL diseases, not SOME but ALL diseases yet the newspaper houses fill their front pages denouncing and opposing the unmatchable powers of God.
No one can stop the work of God and this is just a tip of the beginning!
Therefore, “Most newspaper houses, print and electronic media are the Sadducees and Pharisees of today!" said Prophet W. Magaya.
It is not only miracles which have taken place here at PHD Ministries but a lot has been done by the anointed servant of God Prophet W. Magaya through his generous heart including financial aid and humanitarian aid to thousands of underprivileged people on a monthly basis. Several destitute people have had houses bought or built for them while others are receiving monthly rental assistance. However, none of these have been positively reported by the print and electronic media.
Being the doubting Thomases they would rather express their doubts on God’s unmatchable healing power through their newspapers and electronic media including other forms of mass media. The Holy bible in Psalms.103:3 says, we are healed of ALL diseases, not SOME but ALL diseases yet the newspaper houses fill their front pages denouncing and opposing the unmatchable powers of God.
Most of the Newspaper houses are the Pharisees and Sadducees of today! |
Therefore, “Most newspaper houses, print and electronic media are the Sadducees and Pharisees of today!" said Prophet W. Magaya.
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