Life in the mountains can be very extreme. There are a number of mountain ranges all over the world, but the Himalayan mountains in Asia are the highest on Earth.
Some Of The Obstacles To Living In The Mountains Are:1. The altitude can be very high. When elevation is far above sea level, there is less oxygen to breathe. This can cause altitude sickness, which in turn can cause nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, headaches, fever, nosebleeds and drowsiness.
2. The conditions can be very cold or have a very high ultraviolet index or UV Index, resulting in sun damage.
3. The terrain can be very treacherous, resulting in accidents and injury.
4. There is little vegetation high in the mountains, so it can be very hard to find food.
Many people choose to explore the mountains to challenge themselves. Some of the activities that people do are rock climbing, zip-lining, base jumping, hang gliding, hiking and mountaineering.
The most extreme mountaineering accomplishment for humans is the summit of Mt. Everest. Even with the best equipment, the warmest clothes, the strongest bodies and extra oxygen tanks, many people have died attempting to climb Everest and other mountains.
Possessing Your Mountain:
It is Caleb who made the now-famous statement 'Give Me This Mountain' in the book of Joshua and from this phrase we have now developed the concept of possessing mountains and the seven mountains of influence.Very few people know that the mountain top environment is not the same a the environment below the mountain. That is why you need to learn and occasionally do altitude training.
Altitude Training:
Altitude training is the practice by endurance athletes of training for several weeks at high altitude, preferably over 2,400 metres (8,000 ft) above sea level. Training in these high altitudes boosts the athletes' endurance and performance.Training at altitude is based on the idea of causing a training impulse through slight hypoxia (oxygen lack) and to develop a performance reserve. At increasing altitude, the atmospheric pressure drops and with it the amount of available oxygen thus lowering the performance.
At 2,500 meters (8,250 feet) about 27% less oxygen enters the body in the breath. The partial pressure of the oxygen drops, although the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere remains the same as at sea level – constant 20.9%. If the body is kept short of oxygen in this way over a period of time, it adapts.
The breathing rapidly improves in efficiency - stimulated by the body's own supply of the hormone Erythropoietin (EPO) red blood corpuscles form, increasing the oxygen transport capacity of the blood.
It takes around four weeks for the body to acclimatise to the changing environment. Training at altitude is not just like low-level training performed higher up, by the way.
The high level requires other adaptation processes, as oxygen will already be in short supply at low-performance levels and the muscle cells have to be more economical with their slender diet of O2.
Training At These High Altitudes Is Training To Thrive: In other words, by acclimating the body to an out-of-the-ordinary and challenging environment, the body is better equipped to handle ordinary conditions.
The Apostle Paul writes, “… train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
Make it a necessity as you aim to possess your niche or mountain to do occasional “high-altitude” discipleship training by participating in a challenging routine of study, spiritual formation, and leadership coaching.
The end result is a strong foundation for the pursuit of holiness in all areas of life.
Towards The Convergence Zone:
Convergence happens when your gifts, talents, and acquired skills “converge” with a role that empowers you to do what you do best.God intended us to thrive in life.
With this in mind, we need to develop and work on our ‘altitude training.’
1. John 10:10.
2. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
3. Joshua 14:12-15
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