The Seven Mountain Strategy was a concept both Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ and Loren Cunningham of Youth With a Mission received as a revelation from God.
When they met with one another in 1975 through conversation they realized God had spoken to them both individually about, “Seven Cultural Mountains or Gates!” Jesus was up to something!
God was showing them if Christianity was going to impact culture it had to impact seven areas. The 7 Mountains of culture are:
1. Business,
God was showing them if Christianity was going to impact culture it had to impact seven areas. The 7 Mountains of culture are:
1. Business,
2. Government,
3. Arts and Entertainment,
4. Media,
5. Education,
6. Family and
7. Church or Religion.
Every Christian is Called:
Os Hillman says, “The Seven Mountain Strategy helps Christians understand that their calling is from the Lord.” People’s work and sphere of influence can be used in impacting the culture for the Gospel. Os continues saying the Seven Mountain Strategy, “is not a theology, it is not dominionism.
Every Christian is Called:
Os Hillman says, “The Seven Mountain Strategy helps Christians understand that their calling is from the Lord.” People’s work and sphere of influence can be used in impacting the culture for the Gospel. Os continues saying the Seven Mountain Strategy, “is not a theology, it is not dominionism.
It is simply a strategy for the Body of Christ. Bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom combined with the Gospel of Salvation.”
Loren Cunningham says, “This [strategy] is the way to reach nations for God.” Loren continues saying, “The wealth of the world can be used to bless the world.” This implies the importance of redeeming the business world for the glory of God.
Loren Cunningham says, “This [strategy] is the way to reach nations for God.” Loren continues saying, “The wealth of the world can be used to bless the world.” This implies the importance of redeeming the business world for the glory of God.
The Mountain of Business Fuels and Funds All Other Mountains of Culture:
For many years the Church has largely ignored equipping believers in impacting their sphere of influence. But business can either be used in glorifying God or elevating man.
Leaders of businesses are the main influencers of culture.
Almost 78% of people in the workplace believe spirituality and business mix. And more than 56 million Bible-believing Christians are in the business world. But 90% of Christians feel they are not being equipped to apply faith to their daily life.
Almost 78% of people in the workplace believe spirituality and business mix. And more than 56 million Bible-believing Christians are in the business world. But 90% of Christians feel they are not being equipped to apply faith to their daily life.
Digital Missions Can Be Used To Impact the Mountain of Media:
Media is a mountain impacting culture. The news and faith articles, as well as videos and shows, can be produced in a way that can change and shape a person’s destiny. Through sharing resources produced by Digital Missions, on social media you are part of impacting lives for eternity.
This is a simple way you can be used in shaping culture and see the Holy Spirit transform lives.
Isaiah 2:2 says, “It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains. And shall be lifted up above the hills, and all the nations shall flow to it.“
Isaiah 2:2 says, “It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains. And shall be lifted up above the hills, and all the nations shall flow to it.“
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