How To Guarantee That You Will Shape Cultures and Influence The World!

I am sure you would like to make a difference in the world. It is difficult to watch the news or scroll through Facebook or Twitter without feeling the weight of brokenness all over the earth. 

People are hungry, poor, without work, and lacking resources. Even in our own cities there are many in need.

If you are reading this blog post, you would like to change that. You would like to step in and make a difference. First of all, thank you. Thanks for being willing to step out of your comfort zone to make change happen in the world. Second, you don’t have to wait. 

There is a way to guarantee that you’ll make a lasting difference.


1. BE AN ACTION-TAKER: This may seem obvious, but I do not mean for it to be that way. Ultimately, if you are not taking action then you are sitting around waiting for something. 

How To Guarantee That You Will Shape Cultures and Influence The World!

Maybe you are waiting for the time, the money, the resources, business success, or something else altogether. It is time to stop waiting and start doing.

I would encourage you to do something in the next month. Give to a campaign. Plan a mission trip with your church or work friends. Deliver food to a family in need.

Taking action is not all about having money. Yes, money is helpful, but there are hundreds of ways you can help without spending much money at all. Take action. Doing this one thing will guarantee that you make a difference in the world.

2. POSITION YOURSELF TO SUCCEED: Taking action is key. However, it is helpful to have the resources to give generously when you want to do so. 

This involves positioning yourself so that you will succeed in business. If you do not know what you are doing, take a class. If you need help, hire an assistant. 

Or if you have not sold a product in many months, create a different more useful product!

Here is some tough love: this is all up to you. You have the ability to change your course and ensure success. Ultimately this will allow you to give generously of your money and time. 

You will make a huge difference in the world when you position yourself to succeed.
How To Guarantee That You Will Shape Cultures and Influence The World!

3. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE: Part of making a difference in the world is recognizing your own blessings and being grateful for them. 

If you are reading this blog post, you have more resources than a large portion of the world. If you aren’t grateful for what you have, how are you going to truly make a difference for those with less than you?

I like to remind people of the famous proverb about fish. It’s better to teach someone how to fish than it is to give them a fish. Why? Because then they can eat for a lifetime.

If you have resources, then you have something to teach. This is invaluable and will make a huge difference in the world!

4. FOCUS ON YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: We often think about making a difference in terms of the broader world. We think about sending money overseas or going on a mission trip. But what if you began to think about making in difference in terms of the people under your roof? Or the people you work with everyday?

Here is the truth: we all need to be reminded of hope. Our spouse needs hope. So do our children and our coworkers and our friends. And if you’re alive and breathing, you have hope to give.

Look around you and focus on your sphere of influence. Who do you see often that needs encouragement? How can you make a difference in your everyday walk of life?
How To Guarantee That You Will Shape Cultures and Influence The World!

5. START TODAY: It is never too late. It’s also never not the right time. (Yeah, read that sentence again.) There is always some way that you and I can make a difference in the world. Whether we give of our time or our money or our skills, we can make lasting change.

There are millions of needs all around the world. It can get overwhelming to think about what needs to be done and who needs to be helped. But if you long to make a difference, consider these five principles. It’s never too late to jump in and help someone in need – whether that someone is your child or a poor widow across the globe. 

You WILL make a difference!

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One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Christianity and the Church. Get In Touch Today!
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