There are some Truths that usually go unsaid especially about the source of the advancement of a believer. One such Truth or principle is the principle of observing the First or the beginning of a thing.
In this article, we will look at the origins and the relevance of Tithing in this Era.
A lot of sentiments and speculations exist in the Gospel market concerning Tithing, with some believing that tithing is no longer relevant in the era of Grace as it falls under the numerous laws in the Bible.
Today we will not look at exactly what being under the law is but will only touch on tithing as it relates to the law and its relevance today.
When we speak of the Law, what we are actually referring to is the Era of Moses as he was given commandments and laws that would govern the Israelites community. Now, Tithing, just like the principle of First Fruits existed before the law. They all were mentioned and exercised before Moses was even born.
The first people to exercise the Firstfruits principle were Cain and Abel and of course with different attitudes in their giving which brought consequences thereafter (Genesis 4). Cain and Abel existed way before the institution of the law, so when the principle of Firstfruits was established, it became superior to any other giving law that comes after it and is therefore forever established.
The same is the case with the principle of tithing which began with Abraham when he paid His first tithes to Melchizedek. The law according to Moses was not yet instituted (Genesis 14). Even Levi who came generations after is said to have paid tithes in the loins of Abraham (Genesis 7). The existence of Tithe before the Law makes it superior to the Law. When the rest of the former instituted sacrificial laws were abolished by the coming of Christ, tithing still remained by the reason of its origins and the superiority of the father of faith who commenced it.
To understand this principle of the superiority of establishments that were before the law, we need to look briefly at why the Bible states that the Priesthood of Melchizedek is superior such that Christ's Priesthood is even likened to it.
One of the books that the bible likes referring to is the ancient Hebrew history book called the book of Jasher. In there so much is written about this Melchizedek who is also stated just like in the Bible as having no Father, no Mother and the descent. Also as King of Salem which also means King of peace.
This ancient Hebrew history book does not end by presenting Melchizedek as just appearing from nowhere and then disappearing thereafter into obscurity as is often portrayed of him. Jasher says this Melchizedek was actually Shem and he was the King of Salem also referred to as the King of peace.
We all know that Shem was the son of Noah and he even had brothers, Ham and Japheth. But why does the Bible say he had no Father or Mother and no descent?
The Bible here is actually referring to the origins of his priesthood. In the future, after the law of Moses, the acceptable Priesthood would come from the house of Levi who was Aaron's descendant. However, the Priesthood of Melchizedek existed way before that of Levi, so he had "No father, no mother, and no descent" within the tribe of Levi. He was Superior to them all. He existed and came before them. In fact, if Levi had to learn about authentic Priesthood, he had to refer to the style of Melchizedek for it was superior and superseded his. It stands out therefore that Melchizedek was a title of the function of the Priesthood of Shem. His description pointed to him not fitting within the sons of Levi for he was superior and existed before them.
That is also why Christ's priesthood is likened to that of Melchizedek. It is Superior. Christ does not fall under the tribe of Levi, He is from the tribe of Judah. He crossed all the boundaries of the law by dying on the cross and took on both Priesthood and Kingship just like Melchizedek who was King of Salem and King of peace then Priest again. The book of Hebrews chapter 7 explains in detail this fact which the bible was referring to.
It was Melchizedek`s tribe of origin that was key, not his name. He had no father or mother from the Levi tribe just like Christ had no father or mother from Levi as well. The book of Matthew gives us Christ genealogy from His father's side Joseph and it leads to him coming out of David and importantly again coming out of Judah. The book of Luke does the same, points out Christ's genealogy from His mother's side Mary, and it also leads to David and ultimately Judah along the way.
So Christ had no "mother, no father and no descent" within the tribe which was by the law chosen as priests, making His priesthood Superior to that of Levi, as it was after that of Melchizedek which existed first. And such is our own Priesthood as sons of God as well, after that of Christ, who is after that of Melchizedek and superior to that of Levi.
Such is the order of tithes as well.
The tithing act existed way before the law and so is superior to the law and is here to stay with us.
Written By Pastor Lauda L Vongai
Pastor Lauda. L. Vongai Ndamuka Is A Seasoned Teacher Of The Word Of God With A Notable Apostolic and Prophetic Anointing Upon Her Life.
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