The first four commandments that God gave Moses deals with Honouring God and the last six talks about honouring man through relationships.
Honour – To esteem, to highly consider worthy.
Honour is the celebration of difference. Honour and respect are two different things.
1. What Is Respect: Respect is an attitude while honour is a demonstration.
2. What Is Honour: Honour is the seed for access. You will never tap into the anointing of a man of God if you do not honour them. Honour will either give you a fragrance or an odour.
Honour will take you further than being genius. Honour will take you to heights where your job may never take you, because one encounter of honour can bring favour into your life – one relationship can alter your life for ever.
Psalm 138:2 Honour begins with God. God honours His words above His name. Every time you spend time praying you are honouring God. Honour is something God requires from His people. Honour is a culture.
We honour God because of who He gave us – Jesus Christ.
We honour God because He demands it.
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Take Time To Read This and Evaluate Yourself and The Spirit of Honour |
Familiarity is the enemy of the anointing. Honouring your Pastor means honouring the mantle and anointing of God upon their life.
Malachi 1:6 The place God is taking you will depend on the Pastor God has placed before you ... and the anointing that is upon his life. God is about to flourish you but you need to discern and identify and honour the 'Servant Of God' that God has sent your way.
The Mantle You Respect Is The Mantle You Will Partake Of: Surround yourself with people that will challenge your way of thinking. The mantle you respect and honour is the mantle you will partake of. Every encounter with a Man of God will move you into your place of destiny. When Elisha connected to the grace of Elijah, he became a prophet.
Your ability to discern the new season will depend on the grace you extend to your Pastor.
1 Samuel 9:6-9 The anointing is pulled when faith is exercised. The gift of Honour released the answer. Honour is something that is given, it is not demanded. Honour will pave a way and promote you: So:
1. Honour God.
2. Honour Your Parents.
3. Honour Your Servant Of God.
When you honour God, He will honour you. People will honour the call of God upon your life. How you handle the man of God will determine what you handle in life.
Open your heart to honour God’s gift in your Man and Woman of God.
God bless you.
Originally published at on December, 2018.
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