She is a single mother, not because she was promiscuous, not because she had many men diving in her honey pot, not because she was a husband snatcher, not because she was immoral, not because she was stupid, not because she was a good time girl ...!
But because she trusted the wrong man with her heart, she gave herself to the wrong man, the man took advantage of her simple naïve and pure love, the man promised her heaven but led her the hell way, the man took her heart and instead of keeping it safe shattered it in the rocks of his own ego and irresponsibility.She is a single mother because a coward took off as soon as he led her the motherhood way but she was brave enough to go the way alone, endure ridicule and hatred alone, get misjudged alone, etc. She endured all emotions of rejection alone, she endured all difficulties of pregnancy alone, she embraced motherhood alone and emerged as a strong woman all alone.
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Single Mothers Must Be Strong In The LORD! |
Big up to all single mothers who stood up strong and brave when the coward took off, press on with life. You are a great woman.
Finally Today is a brand new day to see the greatness is yourself again. Either you are single mum or heart broken ... today is a brand new day to let go of the things that hurt you in the past. Today is a brand new day to smile and laugh again like you use to. Today is a brand new day to grow, learn and evolve into the person you were destined to be.
Finally Today is a brand new day to see the greatness is yourself again. Either you are single mum or heart broken ... today is a brand new day to let go of the things that hurt you in the past. Today is a brand new day to smile and laugh again like you use to. Today is a brand new day to grow, learn and evolve into the person you were destined to be.
God has not finish with you yet. There is hope for you In Jesus name Amen ..!
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