Please Hide ID: - I fear God Almighty, respect my wife and marriage I am a Christian. Let me share my experience to the question of the night yemurume anokurimidza kurasa mbeu.
1. I am married for 13 years to my first wife and only sex relationship in my life.
2. We enjoy each other really crazy I want to be honest I am happy and loving her zvisingaite.
3. Dambudziko iri ndakambodawo kuriita asi ndakaitirwa Nyasha handina kumbonobvunza kana vakuru or even shamwari.
4. Isu kana tichitamba tinotanga nekumbobatana asi Hazviite nguva sometimes ini ndinenge ndotoda kupinda. Sometimes ndoita nguva ndichibata mudzimai ndozopinda or iye anototora kana aona zvamuitira.
5. Ini ndimofarira kupedza nguva hombe ndiri mukati memudzimai wangu so this has taught me kuti ndisakurumidze kurasa mbeu.
6. When I quickly insert my manhood ndabata nguva shoma ndimboita mbichana kuti sambuku vanatsopinde.
7. Then ndotombofamba nembora chaizvo kusvika mbava kunzwa kuti zvakuda kuuya.
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18+ Only: Murume Anokurumidza Kurasa Mbeu, Ndibatsireiwo Hama - The Best Response! |
9. Tachinja position ndotanga kubata ndichikoira using a mixture.
10. Mukubata umu munosanganisa kuyamwa mazamu.
11. Ndinoramba ndichidaro nekuchinja position kusvika ndanza kuti sabhuku vatota, ndobva ndaziva kuti amai vakusvika kunonaka. 11.Ndakadzidza kuti nyatso kanadzamira amai vanenge vakunga and I have to ensure I take her to the final destination.
12. I continue nebasa and iye apa ndiwe anenge ave in control.
13. We often change positions three to four times. So kana ave in control I know amai vakunopedza I make sure I should concentrate nemixture yekukoira, kubata muviri wese, nekuyamwa mazamu especially kunanzvira matips enyatso until mukadzi asvika.
14. Kana asvika remember one ndambenge ndichiita ndichimira huturu huripedyo ndozorovera kuenda kutiwo ndipedze mudzimai simba richiri pedyo.
15. Izvi ndakazvidzidza kuburikidza nekutaurirana naadzimai vangu.
I hope you benefit from some few tips. Remember the key kutaurirana,what works for me might not work for you.
After Thought: I listen to her responses so much and this has taught me the best places dzekubata and concentrate, like kuyamwa nyatso I discovered it through listening during the act ndichitodzidza cause during the first days and years she could not say much.
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