With the alarming number of HIV/AIDS cases, safe sex has become a life or death issue. Are condoms a true form of protection against the HIV/AIDS virus and against the multitude of other sexually transmittable diseases?
Can condoms actually prevent pregnancy? You need to know the unbiased facts! No sane person takes a chance with their life, based on temperamental personal convictions, passionate hype, unproven opinions or clever advertising. Whether or not to practice safe sex is a life-altering decision that you must base solely on facts! Be crystal clear on this point: your life is literally hanging in the balance! The wrong decision could be disastrous!
What you will not find in this article is a push to get you to adhere to any moral standards. This article has nothing to do with whether you believe in God or not. You’ll find no scriptures and no talk about God. This has to do with showing you the true facts about safe sex. It is only when you get the true facts, that you can make a proper decision. Is "Safe Sex" Really Safe? Let’s examine the facts and find out…
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What Is Safe Sex?
Safe sex is the sexual activity (especially sexual intercourse) with the use of measures (such as latex condoms) to prevent pregnancy and stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (especially AIDS).
Where Did “Safe Sex,” Get Started?
The first AIDS cases were reportedly identified somewhere between 1979 and 1981. After 1985, AIDS was a literal death threat for any sexually active person. Due to the media coverage, the possibility of contracting the AIDS virus loomed on the minds of many. Some started reevaluating their position on promiscuity, orgies and one-night stands. Not to be outdone by AIDS, certain individuals began searching for ways to continue satisfying their sexual cravings without getting burned. Hence the term, “Safe Sex.” By all accounts, the belief in “Safe Sex,” originated from a number of possible sources.
Ö First, there was a study on condom use reported by James Gittard as part of a 1987 Presidential AIDS Commission. Mr. Gittard reportedly tracked 130 couples, of which one of the partners was HIV positive. All of the couples devoted themselves to the research and committed to using the condom during sexual intercourse. A year into the study, not one person contracted the HIV virus from their HIV infected partner. Gittard revealed his optimistic findings to the Commission, and from there, it appeared as though condoms were the answer to curbing the deadly AIDS virus. The results of that research may have been the birth of “Safe Sex.”
But their success was short lived. The reason was because the study was only one year long. That time frame was not sufficient to prove or refute if the condom was an effective device to protect against the AIDS virus. In the subsequent years, the results started to cast major doubts on the effectiveness of condoms as a safe sex device. After three years, four couples had seroconverted, and after the fourth year, seven individuals got the bad news that had been infected by their partner. The study revealed an alarming 24 percent failure rate!
Ö Secondly, a 1986 article in Newsweek by Barbara Kantrowitz stated, “Condoms seemed to be the most reliable form of protection against the AIDS virus...” From that point on, condom sales rose from $182 million in 1980 to an astonishing $338 million in 1986. The “Safe Sex,” revolution was in full gear!
Originally only used as a form of birth control, condoms were then promoted as a prime safe sex device and the best method to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Read some of the advertisements by condom manufacturers and other people who aggressively promote safe sex.
- Condoms can protect any person no matter what color they are!
- Condoms are extremely effective in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
- Condoms are the best way to protect yourself and your partner from many STDs
- If you are using condoms correctly, you will not get pregnant!
- The condom renders HIV harmless by preventing the virus from replicating!
AIDS is a fact! When you teach your daughter the facts of life, remember the most important fact: Condoms make sex… safer.
You read what they had to say, is it really safe to put your confidence in condoms? Should you trust what the condom manufacturers, advertisers and self-interest groups say about safe sex? Before you answer those questions, read the unbiased opinions of the true experts…
Are Condoms Safe?
A spokesman from the rubber chemistry industry answers. The Washington Times, Wednesday April 22, 1992
My only comment is to point out that the rubber comprising latex condoms has intrinsic voids about 5 microns (0.0002 inches) in size. Since this is roughly 10 times smaller than sperm, the latter we effectively blocked in ideal circumstances.
The 12 percent failure rate of condoms in preventing pregnancy is attributable to in situcracking, removal. ozone deterioration from improper sealing, manufactured defects, etc. Contrarily, the AIDS virus is only 0.1 micron (4 millionths of an inch) in size. Since this is a factor of 50 smaller than the voids inherent in rubber, the virus can readily pass through the condom should it find a passage. A reluctance to stake one's life on the ability of a condom to prevent HIV infection bespeaks wisdom, not discrimination.
C.M. Roland Editor. Rubber Chemistry Land Technology. Washington“Saying that the use of condoms is ‘safe sex’ is in fact playing Russian roulette. A lot of people will die in this dangerous game.” – Dr. Teresa Crenshaw, member of the U.S. Presidential AIDS Commission and past president of the American Association of Sex Educators.
Dr. Crenshaw, once asked a conference of sexologists if they had available the partner of their dreams, and knew that person carried the HIV virus, would they have sex, depending on a condom for protection? No hand was raised.
Dr. Crenshaw chastised the group for giving advice to others that they would not follow themselves. "The point is putting a mere balloon between a healthy body and a deadly disease is not safe."
- In a study reported by Dr. Margaret Fishel to the III International Conference on AIDS, married couples with one HIV-free partner, using condoms for protection, tested HIV Positive in 17 percent of the cases after only one and one half years.
“Simply put, condoms fail. And condoms fail at a rate unacceptable for me as a physician to endorse them as a strategy to be promoted as meaningful AIDS protection.”
– Dr. Robert Renfield, chief of retro-viral research, Walter Reed Army Institute
- One test showed that 14.6 percent of condoms used in a clinical trial either broke or slipped off the penis during intercourse or withdrawal. A survey at a Manchester, England family planning clinic revealed that 52% of the respondents had experienced condom breakage or slippage during the past three months alone.
Source: Alan Guttmacher Institute. Family Planning Perspectives, January/February 1992, pages 20 to 23. Also see R.J.E. Kirkman, J. Morris, and A.M.C. Webb. "User Experience: Mates v. Nuforms." British Journal of Family Planning, 1990;15:107-111.
“…an "antiquated system of birth control."
- Although touted by many as the solution to the problem of STDs and unwanted pregnancy, condoms definitely are not. They have a poor record for prevention of pregnancy, with failure rates of up to 13% or more per year.
Source: The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
In preventing pregnancy, condoms have a standardized failure rate of 14.7 percent over the course of a year.
For teens living together, condoms users experienced an unplanned pregnancy over 50% percent of the time over the course of a year.
For teens not living together, condoms users experienced an unplanned pregnancy over 14-23% percent of the time over the course of a year.
Source: H Fu, JE Darroch, T Haas, N Ranjit, Contraceptive Failure Rates: New Estimates From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, Family Planning Perspectives, 1999, 31(2): 56-63
- The majority of boyfriends leave when their girlfriend has a baby.
Source: "Teen Sex and Pregnancy," Facts in Brief, AGI, 1999
- Dr. J. Thomas Fitch, M.D., Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics. Past President of the Texas Pediatric Society. Currently a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Recently completed the most comprehensive evaluation of condom efficiency.
Dr. Fitch noted that only 17% of Adolescents used condoms 90% of the time. He also pointed out that in longitudinal studies of serodiscordant HIV couples (one partner had HIV) only 50% used condoms consistently. This is the HIGHEST figure on record.
Dr. Fitch was critical of Canada where condoms are widely promoted for preventing STD's with an implicit message that properly used, condoms will prove effective in preventing STD's. Dr Fitch stated:
"That is simply NOT TRUE"!
He found that condoms prevent HIV 57-90% of the time with 100% use. There is little or no protection from inconsistent use. The effectiveness of the condoms barrier depends on which STD is present. Educators must take time to know the facts and use them accurately.
Government Report Exposes The Safe Sex Myth and The Condom Trap
- A special review panel led by Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health, which included the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, and the US Agency for International Development, admitted in a report in July 2001, that there was no scientific evidence that the use of latex condoms provides significant protection against most sexually transmitted diseases. Including such widespread STDs as Human Papilloma Virus, Genital Herpes, Trichomoniasis, Chancroid, Syphilis, Gonorrhea (for women), and Chlamydia.
The same report found that condom use offers limited protection against gonorrhea for men only (25% to 75% risk reduction). For the HIV/AIDS virus, the report reveals an alarming (85% risk reduction or 15% failure rate).
The report emphatically stated that condoms did not provide any protection for women against Human Papilloma Virus, an STD which can lead to cervical cancer, which kills more women in the U.S. than women who die from AIDS each year.
This comes years after promoting condoms as effective tool in preventing the spread of STDs. How many people would not be infected with HIV/AIDS or with other sexually transmitted diseases had they not followed the advice of the proponents of safe sex?
Contraceptives Don’t Protect Against Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- PITTSBURGH, PA -- April 16, 2001 -- Contraception does not reduce a woman's risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), according to a study led by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. The results are published in the May issue of Epidemiology.
"This study addresses the controversy surrounding the protective effect of hormonal and barrier methods of contraception against PID in women," says Principal Investigator Roberta Ness, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of epidemiology, medicine and obstetrics/gynecology. "The risk of upper genital tract infection was not reduced by any contraceptive method among women in this study. In fact, inconsistent condom use actually increased the risk of infection in this group of women."
PID is a common condition in which microorganisms spread from the lower genital tract to infect and inflame the upper genital tract, including the endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum. Women with PID have elevated rates of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.
Previous studies testing the ability of various contraceptive methods to protect against PID showed inconsistent results, perhaps due to the inclusion of women both with and without symptoms, and the use of older, higher-dose oral contraceptives in the studies.
The University of Pittsburgh-led study looked at contraceptive use among 563 women who had signs and symptoms of PID and who were enrolled in the PID Evaluation and Clinical Health (PEACH) Study, a randomized clinical treatment trial. Participants were between the ages of 14 and 37 and were recruited from emergency departments, clinics and STD units at each of 13 clinical sites.
Each participant was interviewed and examined, and each received an endometrial biopsy and upper genital tract isolate microbiologic evaluation. According to the women, condoms were the most common method of contraception they used, followed by oral contraceptives, contraceptive injections and other barrier methods.
Inconsistent use of condoms was associated with an increased risk of upper genital tract infection (UGTI). Specifically, condom use in less than 100 percent of sexual encounters was associated with a more than two-fold increase in risk. However, UGTI rates were unaffected by use of medroxyprogesterone or oral contraceptives. Endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining) alone, without UGTI, appears to be related to use of contraceptive injections among women with PID symptoms.
While no method offered protection against UGTI, the analysis showed that consistent condom use, when compared with no contraception use at all, led to a slightly reduced risk of both UGTI and endometritis without UGTI. Also, while oral contraceptives were not associated with a decreased risk of further infection, they were related to decreased severity of PID symptoms.
"Based on our findings in the PEACH study, hormonal and barrier contraceptives appear to play no role in reducing the risk of upper genital tract disease in women," Dr. Ness said.
SOURCE: University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
Family Planning Perspectives; May 01, 1994; Edwards, S
- Having multiple sexual partners is strongly associated with genital Human Papilloma virus infection, according to a study in Finland. Women who had five or more partners during the past two years were 12 times as likely as those who had one or no partner to be infected with HPV. The risk of infection varied with age; women in the 20-29 age group had the highest risk of HPV infection. Condom use did not reduce risk of infection.
When you put your trust in a condom, you are literally gambling with your life - with a balloon!
Are you saying that you are willing to trust in a balloon to be your body armor and shield? Are you willing to try and protect yourself from one of the deadliest sexually transmittable diseases known to man, with a latex balloon? The same balloon that has no power to stop a bobby pin, sewing needle or a hangnail!
Beyond that, it is a proven fact that condoms offer no protection from sexually transmitted diseases such as:Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Human Papilloma Virus and Herpes. What is your plan to protect yourself from those dangerous STDs?
What are the odds of you getting pregnant or contracting HIV/AIDS or some other sexually transmitted disease while using a condom?
Those odds are the same as if you started in Bogotá, Colombia, in South America, with 50 kilos of cocaine and your mission was to drive to Brooklyn, New York. Upon arrival, your plan is to deliver the cocaine to the buyer, collect your money and be on your way.
It is a fact, some people are going to make the perilous journey, collect their money, and exuberantly boast about their trip! Others won’t be so lucky. They will get nabbed by the DEA, local police, special drug interdiction agents or by one of the other many law enforcements agencies. If not the police, they will get robbed by other drug dealers or kidnapped by opportunistic criminals. If not that, their vehicle will malfunction or completely breakdown. If they make it to their destination, the buyer may never show up. Or, he may show up, turn on them, and man handedly take the 50 kilos by force and leave!
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Is "Safe Sex" Really Safe? |
They clearly understand both the risks and consequences. They know that they could be incarcerated, robbed, tortured, wounded or murdered. You now know the true facts and risks associated with safe sex, make your decision wisely!
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