Who Will Look After My Children?

I’ve had some discussions with some of you lately over these series and one of the issues that have come about has been what will happen to our children when we are deleted from this life. This issue causes both fear and resolve in how we handle or season and cycle.

Ultimately our legacy in this life is defined by our offspring and how they will be after we are gone. In the animal kingdom they spend their entire life preparing their young ones to feed themselves, protect themselves and to procreate the same and even stronger specie!
Who Will Look After My Children.
The journey begins by males showing their prowess and the strongest will then be given the honor to both protect and procreate. By deduction it means the next generation of offspring should be stronger and wiser. This guarantees that such an specie will never go extinct unless through a disaster of some sort.

I don’t want anyone thinking that I want to compare ourselves to animals but there are some lessons we can draw from there and here we go:
  1. When our fathers and mothers went to fight the war of liberation they showed that they were the alpha type. However their failure has been that they never produced the alpha type in their offspring. This has necessitated an unprecedented “conservation” drive on the offspring, literally pushing the offspring to “zoos” of some sort!
  2. Whilst they achieved the political freedom result, that is the right and honor to procreate, we are still to achieve the economic empowerment, the right to feed ourselves without the threat of extinction.
  3. The fight is that we now have an offspring that lacks resolve to show the same strength as their forebears! We have become accustomed to mediocrity and a high level of lunacy that in the normal jungle we would be eliminated and made extinct! The older alpha pack has failed to pass on the alpha instincts in their offspring. With them gone the threat of recolonization is very real but this time not from a political sense. We will be like animals breading in zoos, never to experience the unmatched thrill of the jungle!

To bring it home the battle for succession is whether we should trust the older alpha pack or the younger alpha pack. In the normal animal kingdom this is never a debate, either the younger animals form a new pack or they contest with the existing alpha leader for the control of the pack. At this point there is no doubt over whether the younger ones are able to protect, procreate or feed themselves, the contest qualifies them. If this does not happen the specie will be threatened with extinction or else they will be placed in zoos which deprives them of their instincts as a specie!



John 16:7, Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

John 14:12, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

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