No Matter How Beautiful A Woman Is, Just Try It, Matanda (Vakadzi) Makuru (Vakanaka) Mazunguniswa

I started to have a girlfriend well after my high school. Now I started the system of getting school girls when I was doing my temporary teaching in Mutare. 

I got a TP (temporary teaching) post at a school nearby. It was only like 40 km from the city of Mutare. What happened is; there was this young teacher aida nengo senhengo. He noticed this beautiful girl, but sezvinongoita varume aitya kusvika. It was because, this girl was a student and he was a teacher. Secondly, the fear yatinayo varume yekungoti musikana akanaka anotyisa kusvikira. So we were talking boys stuff or was it men stuff, for we already fully grown ups, on this sunny sports day at school, and he brought the issue ye musikana uyu. I brushed it aside saying kazhinji first sight inorasisa.

The next day, he showed me the girl, and I had the guts to call here, for I pretended I wanted to send her somewhere. Varume, nyangwe ndoona kunaka kwemwana wechikoro, uyu anga ari pamberi. Zamu rakadhidhikira pat-shirt yapera zvayo. Kuzoti ma dimples (tukombwa twakarehwa naMacheso), and above all face yacho kunje yaizorwa beautifying chemicals. I pretended to send her to check if a Mr so and so was in his office. When she turned around to leave; magaro acho varume; rounded. Pane paunoti wega yaaah apa paita zverunako apa. thats what I said nechemumoyo. I told this teacher that aaah shamwari, mwana akanaka uyu. I told him to go for her; but as usual he gave me the two reasons I wrote above. I asked him kuti kana ndikakunyengera unondipa chii. He told me anything reasonable. I told him I wanted beer chete.

He was happy, so the deal was sealed. The guy akatenga doro seanga atodiwa kare. Ndikati nechemumoyo, ko kuzoti paanodiwake, ndinofa naro chete doro. Apa aitenga maclear chete, and it was a sign of better things to come if I managed on a mission impossible. As I was in sitting in this office, I took her book to see what she had wrote.
No Matter How Beautiful A Woman Is, Just Try It, Matanda (Vakadzi) Makuru (Vakanaka) Mazunguniswa

Kuti ndibhaizire I took a boy’s book and called him, and started to give him a lecture of what he was supposed to have written. That done, I then called her, lets say her name Mary, into the office. I also lectured her on one or two issues (this was straight); but I failed to tell her what I wanted to tell her. I dismissed her. On the day of Inter-house competitions, I called her and as usual talked with her this and that without any meaning at all. Then the unexpected happened. Bambo: ‘Marry, there is someone who wants to see you, would you accept to see him’. Mary: ‘Oooh, why does he wants to see me, and what does he want?’

Bambo: Oooh, he just wants to talk with you thats all. You are a grown up girl after all, is there any danger with speaking with a man?’ . Mary: ‘Nothing wrong speaking with a man, but I want to know who is he, and what he wants to talk about’.. I tried to convince her, but al to no avail. I then realised that it wasn’t going to be fruitful in one day after all, so I left the issue to die a natural death. One week went by, nothing went on, but I had told my friend, what had happened. The problem is that, he wanted me to finish the whole issue, kuti musikana oti  ndinomuda iye asina kumbotaura naye. I found it to be out of fashion, but I chose to keep mum about it. Later in the term, I invited her to the office, and I reminded her of the issue. The problem was, the more I kept seeing her, the more I was becoming attracted to her. But I didn’t want to jeopardise my friendship with the teacher, so I kept it cool. I told her of the issue, and she started asking me who he was.

She then said, M; ‘Is he Mr X? B: ‘No.’ M: ‘Is it Mr Y?’ B: ‘No’ M: ‘Is it Mr Z?’ B: ‘No”. M: ‘So who is he?. I lied and told her that he was not a teacher. I told her I was affraid that if I told her, she was going to report me to the Head who was a woman, and knowing how these women Heads want to be seen to be doing some work; she will be overzealous and I will be fired. The woman Head (sorry, ladies; its no you here, but the Head in Question), she had a reputation of wanting to show men that she was in charge. She would order some male teachers to do some horrible things which I doubted I would do if she had asked me to do. I remember this other Monday, I was late for Monday assembly , for I was dead drunk the previous night; and she asked me to write a report. We were two male teachers who were late on that day, but the male teacher was a qualified teacher.

The qualified teacher wrote the report but I refused. And she said she was going to prove me wrong some time. I knew what she meant, so my work was always upto date. Anyway, back to my story, the girl swore to me that she was a grown up girl and that she would not do such a thing. Besides she said I hadn’t done anything wrong to her. I then told her that the person is Mr A, and she laughed hysterically, and she had to control herself. I asked her why she was laughing and she told me that she thought I was the one who wanted to talk to her but was hiding behind someone. I told her the truth, but she said she would have none of that. I told my friend what had happened but he just let it go. I then invited her again to my office, and she told me that if it was Mr A’s issue she would leave, but I then told her, I was interested in her. She told me that she knew that I wanted her, and that I was just ‘beating up the bush’. She accepted there and there, and the rest is History.

I will not go into details about the sex-rompings with her. ndakamusvira about 8 times, but the 2nd and the 7th were super because we were in my house. Lessons learnt. 1. I never believed that beautiful women vanosvirikawo saizvozvo. mwana anga akanaka zvezero rake. 2. No matter how beautiful a woman is, just try it, matanda (vakadzi) makuru (vakanaka) mazunguniswa, and you never no, you might end up having her akuvhurira makumbo. 3. Men, never ever sent someone (both male or female) to ask a girl on your behalf, unoruza. 4. Nyangwe zvodii, kana mwana arimu uniform, anonaka chete; that mentality yekuti ndirikukwira mwan wechikoro inoita kuti zviite sezvinonaka kudarika zvimwe

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