20 days in prison for saying to his wife: 'Uri hure remukadzi'

A polygamous man, who could not stomach the rumour that one of his wives was having an adulterous affair with another man, got himself into trouble after saying he had married a 'prostitute'.

Langton Madamombe (45) of Brompton Mine, Kadoma, on Wednesday appeared before magistrate Takudzwa Gwazemba for contravening Section 182 of the Criminal Code Chapter 9: 23, "contempt of court" for breaching a protection order issued against him in February this year.

Accused was convicted on his own plea of guilt and fined $80 or alternatively spend 20 days in jail.

Allegations against Madamombe were that on September 14 this year and at Brompton Mine, the accused unlawfully and intentionally failed to comply with a provision of a protection order granted against him in favour of his second wife Grace Ndhlovu (35) by insulting her knowing or realising that he was in breach of the court order granted at Kadoma Civil Court sometime in February 2014.
20 days in prison for saying to his wife: 'Uri hure remukadzi'
In mitigation, the accused told the court that he dearly loved his second wife with whom he has one child. Madamombe said he vented his anger in public by calling her a "prostitute" after he got wind that she had been spotted by a fellow compound dweller coming out of another man’s house.

Accused said he was suspicious Ndhlovu was having a sexual relationship with the unidentified man, hence the furore between the couple. Ndhlovu denied she was having an affair, but alleged her hubby was "over-protective and abusive".

The presiding magistrate chastised the accused advising him to employ dignified means to resolve disputes with his wife rather than to impair her reputation by name-calling her in public. Wayne Togara prosecuted.

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