GLORY CONNECT: How Glory Ministries Connects To The Millennial Youths.

I have been building online communities for almost a year. Of the communities that I have built; I have built great communities for churches. One of the churches that I have worked with is Glory Ministries. Building an online community for a church is not easy as a lot of 'Leading Up' is necessary. Leading-Up is the art of leading your leader or trying to convince you pastor to take up a new trend. 
Leading up is the act of working with people above you – whether one boss, several bosses, a chief executive, a board of directors or even stockholders – to help them and you get a better job done.” 
I am happy to say that Apostle Sibiya is a unique pastor. He is willing to take up new trends. He knows that technology when used well is helpful in the spreading of the gospel. This made it easy for me to work with Glory Ministries in building their online community.

Glory Ministries And The Millennials.
The millennials - these are the urban-dwellers, social net-workers who are engaged, upbeat and open to change. To others, they are narcissistic, lazy and self-centered.
Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the late 1990s.
So if you where born between 1980 and 2000 then you are a millennial. Millennials, also known as Generation Y or the Net Generation, are the demographic cohort that directly follows Generation X.
How Glory Ministries Connects To The Millennial Youths.
What Is The Millennial Generation?
The term millennials is usually considered to apply to individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. The precise delineation varies from one source to another. Overall, the earliest proposed birth-date for Millennials is 1976 and the latest 2004. There is a great deal of variation from one individual to another within any generational cohort. Nevertheless, the particular environment for any generation affects those individuals in ways that are observable as broad tendencies. This definition of the term discusses those reported tendencies for Millennials and Church, Millennials and Technology, Millennials and Culture.

A Snapshot Of Millennials According To Their Press:
Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world. They are the generation that has received the most marketing attention. As the most ethnically diverse generation, Millennials tend to be tolerant of difference. Having been raised under the mantra "follow your dreams" and being told they were special, they tend to be confident.

According to another Barna study, among practicing Christian Youths - Millennials born after the turn of the millennium:
  • 70% read scripture on a phone, tablet, or online.
  • 59% say they search for spiritual content online.
  • 56% check out a church online before visiting.
  • 38% fact-check statements their faith leader makes in sermons, blogs, or other online places.
Millennials (youths born after the millennium) constantly integrate technology into their lives. The good news is that all of these technologies that are used by these youths are available in Glory Ministries as well. If someone is looking for a new church, websites such as Glory Ministries and its assemblies Bethel Worship Centre, Zoe Worship Centre and Ramah-Zion Worship Centre are now online.

Glory Ministries also maintains active Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook accounts so that these Millennials (youths born after the millennium) can follow and learn about our ministry and upcoming events and information.

Websites and Blogs: Glory Ministries, Bethel Worship Centre, Zoe Worship Centre, Ramah-Zion Worship Centre and Apostle Sibiya, Glory Media and Glory Television.

Facebook: Glory Ministries, Bethel Worship Centre, Zoe Worship Centre, Ramah-Zion Worship Centre and Apostle Sibiya.

Google Plus: Glory Television.

Twitter: Glory Ministries, Apostle Sibiya.

YouTube: Glory Television.

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Oudney Patsika Online
One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Christianity and the Church. Get In Touch Today!
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