TEN (10) Ways Of Offering To The Lord

Many times when we hear “offering” in church or a similar environment, we automatically think “money” but there are many ways in which we can offer to God. Some have stood upon Deuteronomy 16:16 saying one has to always have something to offer to God.

“Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty:” (Deuteronomy 16:16)

However, it is very clear that in this scripture God is only referring to certain times. There are times when we just cannot come to Him empty handed…like times when we specifically come to offer Him “thanks” for what he did for us. Of course it won’t make sense to come empty-handed before God if He just blessed you with $20, 000.

Howbeit, I was led to ponder on this scripture for a little bit and realized that God is really not interested in our money, He is interested in our hearts. The money or gift you offer, is it coming from your heart? If not, there is no point offering it because anything we offer without our heart burns and profit nothing.
TEN (10) Ways of Offering to the Lord
“How do I offer and worship God”? What can I do to show my gratefulness to God? And how can I be myself in doing so? Well, there are so many ways of worshipping and offering to God but provided within this audio material are 10 of them.


1. Heart Offering: [The most important thing in offering and worship is the state of your heart. Are you really doing it for God or for men? Offer your heart in worship, worship is seen in your lifestyle. It has everything to do with your heart, the inner man. When you worship and offer unto God, you worship Him in spirit and in truth so if you are in church or a place where you are supposed to be worshipping God, then be present in the body but more so in the spirit. Don’t allow your mind to wander away when you are worshipping God. Worship Him in your deeds, in your thoughts, in your words].

2. Dance Offering: [David offered praise unto the Lord by dancing with all of His heart and making a display of how grateful he is to God. Imagine yourself dancing before His throne, dance dance dance before Him].

3. Thanksgiving Offering: [offer your “thanks” in words… in praise, in singing].

4. Shout Offering: [You can glorify God just by shouting to the glory of His name. Also remember Hallelujah is the highest praise!].

5. Wave Offering: [you can offer to God simply by raising and waving your hands and glorifying Him].

6. Clap Offering: [Don’t clap aimlessly and without understanding, clap your hands purposely to praise God].

7. Offer Your Material Things e.g. Money: [earnings, money, clothe the fatherless, give to the poor and feed the hungry].

8. Offer Him Your Time: [spend time with Him in the word, in His presence, in learning more about Him by devoting your time to reading useful anointed resources that help you grow in Christ].

9. Offering Your Body as a Living Sacrifice: [pray for others and be willing to be selfless, put away selfishness, consecrating yourself from worldly desires – having rule over your mouth and tongue].

10. Ultimately GIVE and OFFER YOURSELF: offer back to Him what He has put on the inside of you: your voice, your talent, your worship, in words and in deed, and playing of instrumentals in worship- all to the glory of His name].

There are many more ways to offer unto God but this should not be an excuse for anyone to not give or offer material things such as money when he or she has it or is given the opportunity to do so.

The more you give, the more you receive, not just in material things but in everything good.
How do you offer unto the Lord in your own special way?

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